A few sunset photos, a wander around Wasdale and then…
Start point: Old Quarry car park (NY 121 012)
Old Quarry car park – Irton Pike (OF) – Old Quarry car park
Distance: 1.3 miles Total Ascent: 125 metres Time Taken: 30 minutes Start Time: 14:40
Weather: Sunny and bright. 9C
Firstly, some photos of a glorious sunset up on Birkrigg Common near Ulverston on Sunday evening…

...gone. Monday was lovely and sunny so I wanted to visit Wasdale to see what it was like there and I wasn't disappointed - it was absolutely fantastic. Wast Water was flat calm and the views were clear - obviously, many of the shots are similar but it is a nice view...

Britain's favourite view...with some mountains and a lake as well! I spent so long soaking in the delights of beautiful Wasdale, I ran out of time for the planned walk but decided to stop off at little Irton Pike for a quick walk and a different perspective.

Harter Fell and Green Crag from the climb to Irton Pike. When I set off up this way it looked easy peasy and Dougal seemed quite keen on it to. It was a direct ascent from the start of the felled section, it should no problem at all. Well, it was until about a third of the way up when we encountered the fells trees, the thick gorse, the thick and prickly brambles... an army assault course. Once we were into the thick of it there was no going back and it took twice as long as if I'd gone right round. At one point I was sure I would get through to an enchanted castle and find sleeping beauty. Did anyone hear any loud cursing from over this way yesterday?