Height: 399 metres / 1309 feet Grid reference: NY 52840 13465 Category: The Outlying Fells

Seat Robert from Langhowe Pike
Height: 399 metres / 1309 feet Grid reference: NY 52840 13465 Category: The Outlying Fells
Seat Robert from Langhowe Pike
Walked on
Start point: Truss Gap, Swindale (516 132)
Truss Gap – Langhowe Pike (OF) – Great Ladstones (OF) – Glede Howe (532) – Seat Robert (533) (OF) – High Wether Howe (534) (OF) –Fewling Stones (OF) – Truss Gap
Distance: 6.2 miles Total Ascent: 410 metres Time Taken: 3 hours
Weather: Sunny spells. 12oC.
This wasn’t a walk I was particularly looking forward to doing as I find the Shap fells to be quite desolate and boggy – but what a surprise, it turned out to be a great walk and I really enjoyed it today. Spring was definitely in the air – the lamb’s were bounding around, the birds were singing and even that rarest of commodities was there at times – the sun was shining! This is definitely a walk I will repeat in the future and I am thankful I never did it when I came here a couple of weeks ago when the rain was bouncing. Then, I opted to climb Great Mell Fell instead and I’m glad I did as I don’t think this would be an easy area to navigate in mist, there being many grassy knolls complete with no paths, walls or any other feature to aid navigation.
The footbridge across Swindale Beck - the start of the walk is across it and then left, doubling back on the opposite bank.
Langhowe Pike and Swear Gill shrouded in gorse walking along the Old Corpse Road from Mardale, the puddle making a handy mirror. This is a fantastically graded path, lovely to walk along. I think it would be a good round starting from Mardale and following this path to complete a circular walk - one for the future.
All is getting brighter now and the sweet smelling gorse is everywhere, here looking back along the path into Swindale before the abrupt turn back along the ridge.
Glede Howe, the next objective, is directly above this prominent cairn on the knoll below Gambling Crag.