Start point: The Old Dungeon Ghyll car park (NY 286 062)
Old Dungeon Ghyll – Oxendale – Red Tarn – Crinkle Crags – Three Tarns – Bowfell – Climbers Traverse – The Band – Old Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 7.8 miles Total Ascent: 1000 metres Time Taken: 6 hours
Weather: Showers, cold wind. 11ºC.
‘One Small Step’ was the second walk I have organised for StridingEdge followers, the name being obvious when you look at the route. The weather was certainly changeable and it improved after we had crossed the Crinkle Crags ridge. Thanks to all who attended today, it was a brilliant day out with great company.

Looking back to Red Tarn. From hereon in, the weather was against us along the Crinkle Crags ridge. The cloud was down, the wind was up and the rain was in!

'One Small Step' - everyone successfully negotiated the Bad Step, me and Casper were last up here looking back down from the top. The rest of the ridge walk continued in the clag including our lunch stop above Three Tarns until...

The StridingEdge 'One Small Step' walkers: Mike, David, Andy, Martin, Scott, Claire, Gary, Karl with Eleanor kneeling (Casper on the right in case you didn't know!).