Start point: Dobgill (NY 316 140)
Dobgill – Harrop Tarn – Wythburn Fells – Wythburn Fell – Ullscarf – Standing Crag – Harrop Tarn – Dobgill
Distance: 5.5 miles Total Ascent: 573 metres Time Taken: 3 hours
Weather: Sunny and warm, becoming overcast with a stiff breeze on the tops. 23º.
Ullscarf wasn’t really on the agenda today but I ended up there as I wanted a walk that would be quiet and away from the crowds and also somewhere with a stretch of water so that I could have a swim if required on such a hot day. This walk fulfilled both of these requirements and this was a decent walk despite the weather closing in on the latter half.

Harrop Tarn and Tarn Crags. The tarn is looking really shrunken after the dry weather, reduced to half its normal size I would say.

Once at the summit of Ullscarf, conditions started to change as the cloud started to gather over the high fells to the west, here looking towards Great Gable.