Start point: New Dungeon Ghyll Car Park (NY 295 064)
New Dungeon Ghyll – Sergeant Man – High Raise – Thunacar Knott – Pavey Ark – Harrison Stickle –Pike O’Stickle – Loft Crag – Thorn Crag – New Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 8.1 miles Total Ascent: 1047 metres Time Taken: 4 hours
Weather: Overcast but clearing – warm and still. 23oC
When Angus (the ‘lost boy’ – kept a close eye on him today!), Casper and I set off from the New Dungeon Ghyll, it was quite murky but surprisingly warm. The sun threatened to break through the clouds all morning and eventually did for spells. Casper was recognised (from 1000 yards I think!) on Loft Crag by Chris and Lin, up in the area for a weeks holiday and it was nice to bump into someone who visits this website. Previously I have said I wouldn’t take Angus up on the high fells again, but how could I resist? He loves it up there…