Start point: Kirkstone Pass (NY 401 080)
Kirkstone Pass – St. Raven’s Edge – Caudale Moor (Stony Cove Pike) – Hartsop Dodd – John Bell’s Banner – St. Raven’s Edge – Kirkstone Pass
Distance: 6.2 miles Total Ascent: 610 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 30 minutes
Weather: Mixed. 0°C.
This certainly wasn’t a route I had in mind today but when I got over Kirkstone Pass this morning, the descent was littered with stuck cars on the icy road. I certainly had a hairy moment or two going down there but managed to avoid a collision and hastily turned round and went back the way I came. The fells to the east of Kirkstone Pass looked quite clear so I thought I would walk over Caudale Moor but I guess the walk was always going to be a strange route, there being no other obvious route of return. Those who know the Lake District know how changeable the weather can be and today was no exception with it changing seemingly by the minute.

Once up there, the cloud rolled in from the south making it distinctly cold up here. The way to Caudale Moor is along the line of the wall.

An eerie light with the sun shining through the clouds on Stony Cove Pike, the summit of Caudale Moor.

Suddenly - into the clear sky after a walk of no more than 10 metres north from the cairn. It was crossing a weather line, so marked was the difference.

The descent to Hartsop Dodd, following the wall once more with Ullswater directly ahead.. There is less snow over on Place Fell to the right.

If you look closely you can see the snow coming in now on the return leg to Caudale Moor, looking into Dovedale.

Now that I've left the summit, the sun is shining on Hartsop Dodd once more. The two sets of footsteps are both mine - inward and outward.

It is all looking very dark to the south looking to Red Screes from the cairn that marks John Bell's Banner.