Start point: The Old Dungeon Ghyll car park (NY 286 062)
Old Dungeon Ghyll – Rossett Gill – Rossett Pike – Angle Tarn – Ore Gap – Bowfell – Three Tarns – The Band – Old Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 7.7 miles Total Ascent: 910 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 30 minutes
Weather: Dull and overcast. 14C.
Many thanks to everyone from me, Louise, Connie and Casper for the messages of sympathy and support that we have received both via e-mail and in the guestbook, it is really comforting to know that our ‘family’ out there is thinking of us at this time.
Today was almost an ‘escape to the hills’ and of course there was lots of time for thinking of old Angus, especially as this was an area we have walked together many times. Of course, with those thoughts came some smiles and the odd tear. I smiled as I thought of the way he used to drive me bonkers with his incessant barking – but of course I know they were the barks of freedom and the joy of being free on the fells. I thought of the way he climbed the hills and crags with barely any effort, covering twice the distance that I did running round and round in circles. I thought of the times when there was just me and him, alone in the mist in the middle of winter and we were best mates – in it together, always. He was – and is – the spirit of the fells and I will miss him.

Bowfell from the path to Rossett Pass. At the crossing of Rossett Gill, I opted to climb it rather than following the path.

Looking across Ore Gap to Esk Pike. As I climbed here the mist enveloped me and I admit a great wave of emotion overcame me as well. I had to sit for a while, let the tears well and have ten minutes or so of solitude and contemplation before pressing on.