Start point: Birks Bridge, Duddon Valley (SD 235 992)
Harter Fell from Birks Bridge
Distance: 3.25 miles Total Ascent: 538 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 30 minutes Start Time: 09:50
Weather: Sunny. 16C
It was another cracking morning so I headed up to Harter Fell at the head of the fantastic Duddon Valley. I think Harter Fell has the best view of all of the Scafells and especially on a day like today. It was really warm on the climb and that had the dogs looking for any scrap of moisture they could find. We did manage to find plenty for all of us at the end of the walk though, pure heaven.

Birks Bridge always brings back lots of happy memories of swimming here with family and friends. Hmm, that cool clear water looks inviting - maybe later.

Eskdale, the scene of some of this weeks tragic events and the West Cumbrian coast with Sellafield on the skyline.