Start point: Rakefoot Lane (NY 282 226)
Walla Crag from Rakefoot Lane
Distance: 2.3 miles Total Ascent: 327 metres Time Taken: 50 minutes Start Time: 08:50
Weather: Bright, sunny and warm. 21C
It was lovely and sunny once more over Keswick this morning and I managed to squeeze in a quick walk up to Walla Crag before heading into Keswick to see how the Love the Lakes shop fit was getting on. It was good to get out with a bit of sunshine on my back again and Dougal and Casper certainly enjoyed the walk. There weren’t many places to have a drink for them as it is so dry so they had to be content with the remaining puddles in Brockle Beck on the return.

An excerpt from the 1903 revision of the OS map clearly shows Walla Crag as 'Wallow Crag' - it must have ended up being spelt how it was said. Keswick looks a lot smaller in those days too! This map printed on linen backing belonged to Louise's grandfather and was the map he used up on the fells back then.