Start Point: High Nibthwaite (SD 294 897)
Brock Barrow from High Nibthwaite
Distance: 1.5 miles Total Ascent: 175 metres Time Taken: 40 minutes Start Time: 09:00
Weather: Overcast, 6°C
Should I, shouldn’t I, should I, shouldn’t I…oh, go on then – time was very short this morning and I did intend to have a low level walk with the boys around Coniston somewhere but then was magically drawn skywards by diminutive Brock Barrow. It was a bit drab and a bit cool but watching Fletcher made me smile – it wasn’t so long ago (July 11th to be exact!) that he climbed this as a small pup and I worried whether it would be too much for the little fella. Now he is as big as Dougal and positively bounded up here…he’s going to be a fine fellwalking dog that Fletcher.