Start point: Millbeck (NY 255 262)
Millbeck – Doups – White Stones – Carl Side – Long Side – Ullock Pike – Longside Wood – Long Doors – Dodd – Lyzzick Wood – Millbeck
Distance: 5.5 miles Total Ascent: 842 metres Time Taken: 3 hours Start Time: 08:15
Weather: Sunny. 18C
I didn’t really know where I was going to end up when I set off this morning and this was very much a dynamic walk. I intended going up to Skiddaw but I ended up going in the opposite direction and just making my mind up as I walked. The unusual descent is not really recommended unless you are in a rush and I could not resist squeezing Dodd in at the end of the walk. How I found my way through the woods below Dodd I’ll never know but as it turned out the navigation was spot on!

Carlside Tarn - I was going to climb Skiddaw on the path beyond but changed my mind and decided to head west instead.

Looking across Bassenthwaite Lake to Barf, Grisedale Pike up to the left. From here I took the direct route back down into Longside Wood - the quick way down!