Start point: Hardknott Pass summit (NY 230 014)
Hardknott Pass – Border End – Hard Knott – Hardknott Pass
Distance: 2 miles Total Ascent: 200 metres Time Taken: 2 hours
Weather: Sunny. 17oC.
It was bright and sunny for our early start this morning for this relatively easy climb to Hard Knott from the top of Hardknott Pass. This walk offers superb views to the Scafells and Upper Eskdale and from here virtually the whole of the Scafell walk I completed earlier this year can be viewed from this lofty position. Getting out early has its advantages, namely clearer skies with less haze and deserted fell tops. For added interest, Connie also hunted out the Geocache lying near the summit. It’s hard to resist hidden treasure when you are 6!