Start point: Cow Bridge, Hartsop (NY 403 134)
Cow Bridge – Brothers Water – Priest’s Hole cave – Hartsop Above How – Gale Crag – Deepdale Bridge
Distance: 5.4 miles Total Ascent: 633 metres Time Taken: 2 hours 40 minutes Start Time: 09:20
Weather: Sunny and clear. 8oC
There was different weather once more today, it was really clear with bright sunshine with just a sprinkling on snow on the tops. The sun quickly warmed it up and it was shirt sleeves all the way for this one.

Angletarn Pikes. On with the walk - firstly I had to get past the herd of cows, complete with youngsters, at Hartsop Hall farm. This was no mean feat to accomplish with the two 'cow magnets' in tow without getting trampled to death. It certainly made things a little 'interesting' and we had to find a way to sneak round their blind side.

Phew, made it. At the top of the climb. I took a slight detour from the path to seek out the Priest's Hole, a small cave high up on Dove Crags.

A window on the world from inside the cave. The path to the cave is difficult to see and I directed two others to it as I descended to cross over to the Hartsop above How ridge.

On Black Crag, part of the Hartsop above How ridge with a great view of High Street and the far eastern fells.