Start point: At the end of the minor road from Brown Howe (SD 281 916)
Beacon Fell (OF) from Tottle Bank
Distance: 2 miles Total Ascent: 200 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 20 minutes Start Time: 11:40
Weather: Warm and hazy. 18C
It was really warm and quite muggy today with a lot of haze around spoiling the distant views somewhat. Connie and I really enjoyed the walk though, what with the required sun cream and tee shirts it really did feel like mid summer. We were glad to find the summit treasure tin has been restored once more and we replenished it with supplies…

I told you I could hear the sound of sharpening scissors - two skinny Beardies make a run for the holly tree.

Casper, Connie and Dougal at the summit. The treasure tin is back in situ, always a great find for young fell walkers and we have added an Easter treat for other children (young and old!) who may wish to check out what it can be... will have to find the 'treasure' to see what the rest of the message is and what the official Easter present is!

The view from the summit cairn. The treasure tin is in easy sight, please do not destroy the cairn looking for it!