Start point: At the end of the minor road from Brown Howe (SD 281 916)
Beacon Fell (OF) from Tottle Bank
Distance: 2 miles Total Ascent: 200 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 15 minutes
Weather: Warm but windy. 15°C.
Connie and I have had this one on the agenda for a good while – a visit to Beacon Fell with the intention of replacing the ever popular ‘Treasure Tin’, which we duly did. This is a great way to entice youngsters up onto the fell with the promise of hidden treasure at the top. If you do visit, please leave a comment in the book and tell us about your walk but please leave it all there for others to seek out. The weather was a bit odd today with it being quite warm in sheltered places and very hazy but with a really strong wind on the top.

Heading for Beacon Fell with Connie and Casper at the start of the walk. Connie managed to keep her rucksack (containing the tin) on all the way to the holly tree in this photo until ownership was promptly transferred to me!