Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weather: Warm, sunny spells. 15oC.
Everywhere seemed to be in cloud this morning but standing out from the rest like a golden beacon stood Wansfell, bathed in sunshine. That was good enough for me; it is a pretty quick walk to the top from Troutbeck and the views are quite extensive from here.

It was all looking a bit dull early on this morning, the only place that appeared to have any sun was the top of Wansfell. This view is looking back along Nanny Lane to Sour Howes across Troutbeck.

Following the ridge alongside the wall to Wansfell Pike. Looks like there are one or two people up there today.