Start point: Blea Tarn Car Park (NY 296 043)
Blea Tarn – Bleatarn House – Lingmoor Fell – Lingmoor Tarn – Blea Tarn
Distance: 3 miles Total Ascent: 330 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 40 minutes
Weather: Wet and windy. 8oC.
It was certainly wet and windy when I set off for Lingmoor Fell this morning; I had thought of going higher but gave that a miss when the weather was so bad. It did eventually clear up a little and the wind died down but the temperature had noticeably dropped since last week. I always enjoy this fell and this direct route from Bleatarn House certainly seems to be the quickest way of getting up there.

There has been lots of rain around this weekend and today was no exception; there are plenty of flooded roads around and I set off for Lingmoor Fell in waterproofs today following this beck directly from Bleatarn House.

That blurry tail tells me Dougal is enjoying this walk. Look how he is turning slate now on his face and back.

Descending towards Side Pike with Mickleden beyond and the Langdales getting a fleeting window of sun.

Looking across to Bleatarn House, the route of ascent to Lingmoor Fell can be seen to the right of the tree line.