Start point: Knipe Fold (SD 391 994)
Black Fell from Knipe Fold
Distance: 3.4 miles Total Ascent: 215 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 15 minutes
Weather: Very windy with showers. 9°C
This morning it was as windy as yesterday, similar to conditions all over the country I expect. Today’s walk was relatively low to try and keep out of the worst of the weather. The track we used to get to Black Fell is relatively sheltered so that was not so bad; once out onto the open fellside, however, it was a different story as we were battered by the constant wind and returned in driving rain.

First stop today was Tarn Hows to check out the conditions. There were leaden skies beyond The Tarns today.

Heading for Black Crag, the summit of Black Fell. The trig. column is to the highest point on the left and on the right is the south-east cairn.