Start point: The Old Dungeon Ghyll car park (NY 286 062)
Old Dungeon Ghyll – Oxendale – Red Tarn – Crinkle Crags – Shelter Crags – Three Tarns – Bowfell – Climbers Traverse – The Band – Old Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 8 miles Total Ascent: 1005 metres Time Taken: 5 hours Start Time: 07:30
Weather: Cold, snow. -2oC to +10oC!
It was a beautiful weekend with lots of snow visible on the fell tops. Today was to be the day of the week according to the forecasters…well, it would have been rude not to go out!

Casper and Dougal seem to like it too. Today's story from the fells whilst I was there - a group of chaps were heading towards me, one of them to another in a rather posh voice 'Oh look, it's a shepherd with his dogs'.

Looking back to Crinkle Crags over Three Tarns from the climb - and yes, there are three tarns, the revised Pictorial Guides show a different story but you can (of course!) read all about that in The Wainwright Companion!

The Dragon's Den? Casper found this handy igloo on top of Bowfell, if you look closely it is actually made in the shape of a dragon. Casper is sat in the mouth with two eyes and two horns on top.