Start point: Wasdale Head (NY 187 088)
Wasdale Head – Kirk Fell (171) – North Top of Kirk Fell (172) – Great Gable (173) – Moses Trod – Wasdale Head
Weather: Mostly sunny, cold wind.
Today’s walk was a visit to two of the giants of Wasdale – Kirk Fell and Great Gable. I took the direct route up to Kirk Fell from Wasdale Head, a sickeningly steep climb, ‘the steepest in Lakeland’ as Wainwright described it.

Green Gable and Great Gable shrouded in the mist from The North Top of Kirk Fell. It didn't look like there would be any views from Great Gable today as the mist hung over the top for most of the time.

High Stile, High Crags and Haystacks along the Ennerdale valley with a glimpse of Crummock Water behind. To the right is Grasmoor (annotated version of this photo).

Looking across to Kirk Fell from the ascent of Great Gable. Haycock, Scoat Fell and Pillar silhouetted in the background. The small pimple in the centre is Steeple, whilst Pillar Rock can be seen a third of the way down the slope of Pillar.