Start point: Knipe Fold (SD 391 994)
Black Fell from Knipe Fold
Distance: 3.4 miles Total Ascent: 215 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 15 minutes Start Time: 09:30
Weather: Strong wind, frequent heavy showers. 6C
There has been lots of ‘weather’ around all week – rain, wind, hail – you name it. This morning didn’t seem so different when I set off in full waterproofs but I thought it didn’t turn out so bad in the end really…

Hmmm, today didn't seem to be too promising. There were frequent heavy hail showers and the sky was duller than dull as I headed for the top of Black Fell.

...when I turned around I could hardly believe it! The wind had blown through the cloud and there was blue sky and the odd bit of sunshine around.