Height: 484 metres / 1588 feet Grid reference: NY 39417 04173

The stunning view from Wansfell Pike

Wansfell Pike summit
Height: 484 metres / 1588 feet Grid reference: NY 39417 04173
The stunning view from Wansfell Pike
Wansfell Pike summit
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 30 minutes Start Time: 09:50
Weather: Sunny with snow showers. 4ºC
More cold weather today and it was sunny around the fringes of the Lake District but many of the higher tops were shrouded in cloud; cloud that looked heavily snow laden. Even lowly Wansfell had a good few snow flurries blowing across whilst I was up there but in between there were some decent views.
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 20 minutes Start Time: 09:45
Weather: Strong winds and snow. 2ºC
It took me a while to decide where to walk this morning, I visited Coniston and Langdale before deciding to have a look to the east where it all seemed much brighter. After struggling up The Struggle in full winter conditions and with the snow still falling heavily, I decided to head back down the Kirkstone Pass before it became impassable…
The Kirkstone Pass Inn. On with the walk, Wansfell looked clear and as it is of relatively modest height it seemed like a decent bet...
It was also very windy along here, I sheltered behind the wall to take this photo and was on the verge of turning back but decided to plod on hoping the wind would blow away the snow clouds.
Casper, the snow monster. Those two dogs are like spring lambs once they are in the snow, rolling around and chasing each other and generally enjoying themselves.
'You go that-away and I'll go this-away'. Once we climbed up onto the summit of Wansfell the wind was really strong...
Bleak midwinter on the Wansfell ridge - the snow was horizontal along here. Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone today!
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – Wansfell Pike – Wansfell – Baystones – The Hundreds – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 4 miles Total Ascent: 345 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 30 minutes Start Time: 08:35
Weather: Cool and clear. 2°C
I think Wansfell was a good choice this morning as it was clear over there whereas some of the higher fells to the north and east seemed to be under a good bit of cloud. There was a great inversion over Windermere and Ambleside and there were good views of it from up there and a lovely sunrise to boot!
Suddenly as we climbed to Wansfell the sun disappeared behind a heavy blanket of cloud and things became a lot duller for Dougal and Casper on the frozen (Wainwright) summit of Wansfell.
Across the wall is the highest point on Wansfell called Baystones, the Birkett summit of Wansfell - here looking towards Wansfell and Wansfell Pike.
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 20 minutes Start Time: 09:15
Weather: Showers. 14C
Once more everywhere looked pretty grim this morning but sheltered Wansfell looked a fair bet for a dry – if soggy underfoot – walk. Of course we were caught in the odd shower or two and there was no one around anywhere whilst we were up there. Great walk though, I like it up there.
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – Wansfell Pike – Wansfell – Baystones – The Hundreds – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 4 miles Total Ascent: 345 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 30 minutes
Weather: Cool and clear. 4ºC
As I headed towards Bowness alongside Windermere I could see the mist was hanging over the lake as so often happens on these cooler mornings and Coniston was similarly attired under mist too when I passed it earlier. I headed up to Wansfell under glorious sunshine for a great view of the lake and wasn’t disappointed – it was beautiful up there this morning, very quiet and tranquil.
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weather: Clearing with the odd shower. 8°C.
I ended up in a similar area to the walk I did earlier in the week, starting from Troutbeck up to Wansfell. It is a good little walk this and the views from lowly Wansfell are good. The weather turned out much better than I expected as it was raining with a really low cloud base at home – even Gummer’s How was not visible today when I went past. I know someone who wasn’t bothered what the weather did today though…
Pets Quarry on the slopes of Red Screes. The Kirkstone quarry slate is world renowned and the Kirkstone Green slate when polished is really beautiful, very tactile and organic. For the last month or so I have been using a piece as a mouse mat and it is absolutely fantastic, so good that I have had some made, inscribed with the StridingEdge.net logo. If you would like more details on how to get one and have a little piece of the Lake District at your fingertips, please let me know.
Looking along Stock Ghyll to the Kirkstone Pass which lies in the depression between Red Screes and Caudale Moor.
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 3.7 miles Total Ascent: 350 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weather: Warm, sunny spells. 15oC.
Everywhere seemed to be in cloud this morning but standing out from the rest like a golden beacon stood Wansfell, bathed in sunshine. That was good enough for me; it is a pretty quick walk to the top from Troutbeck and the views are quite extensive from here.
It was all looking a bit dull early on this morning, the only place that appeared to have any sun was the top of Wansfell. This view is looking back along Nanny Lane to Sour Howes across Troutbeck.
Following the ridge alongside the wall to Wansfell Pike. Looks like there are one or two people up there today.
Walked on
Start point: Ambleside (NY 376 043)
Wansfell Pike from Ambleside
Distance: 2 miles Total Ascent: 390 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 15 minutes
Weather: Wild and windy with showers. 11°C
Once again I called off a planned longer walk today; if anything it was even wilder than yesterday. I headed for Wansfell Pike above Ambleside, somewhere that appeared to be out of the clouds at least. Once past Stockghyll Force and onto the open fellside, the wind was ferocious, so it was up and down at full pace with no hanging around. Needless to say, it was quiet up there today!
After the walk past Stockghyll Force, it was touch and go whether I continued up to Wansfell Pike as the conditions were that bad - lashing down with rain and strong winds. If I didn't have the dogsters (Angus-ster and Casper-ster...Max and Paddy anyone?!) with me, then I definitely wouldn't have bothered!
Remember that behind every photo of Angus looking windswept, there is a person behind the camera (me!). I was struggling to stay on my feet on the summit, never mind take a photo! Here's a couple of shaky shots, I hope they convey the conditions today...
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – The Hundreds – Wansfell – Wansfell Pike – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Distance: 4.3 miles Total Ascent: 427 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weather: Overcast with showers. 14ºC.
It was another overcast morning with plenty of showers to accompany us on a walk up to Wansfell and Wansfell Pike from Troutbeck. There is a great view along the length of Windermere from Wansfell and it is well worth a visit. Looking south, it was a lot brighter – here’s hoping some summer weather returns soon!
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Wansfell Pike from Troutbeck via Nanny Lane
Distance: 2.5 miles Total Ascent: 300 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 30 minutes
Weather: Sunny but cold. 5ºC.
Today we took the opportunity to get out in the sunshine for a walk up to Wansfell from Troutbeck. The wind was cold on the top and a thick band of cloud hid the tops of the nearby higher fells, so I think we made the right decision – a great shorter walk.
Walked on
Start point: Ambleside (NY 376 043)
Ambleside – Stockghyll Force – Wansfell Pike – Wansfell – Ambleside
Distance: 4.9 miles Total Ascent: 554 metres Time Taken: 1 hour 50 minutes
Weather: Miserable – no, worse – it was absolutely miserable. 10°C.
The morning started off sunny and bright, right until I reached Ambleside when the clouds came in and it wasn’t long before the heavens opened. That’s the way it stayed right through this walk, the highlight being Stockghyll Force; the rest of the walk saw no views. I think Angus was wishing for his hair back on top of Wansfell Pike as it was decidedly chilly. There was me thinking it would soon be summer when I had his hair cut..
Walked on
Start point: Troutbeck (NY 409 032)
Troutbeck – Nanny Lane – Wansfell (77) – Wansfell Pike (78) – Nanny Lane – Troutbeck
Weather: Dull and overcast.
A short walk this morning to Wansfell and Wansfell Pike on a murky day, a complete contrast to yesterday. Wansfell overlooks Ambleside and gives fantastic views of Windermere.
The route starts at Troutbeck and follows a track known as Nanny Lane.
Nanny Lane at the beginning of the walk. Follow the walled lane as far as it goes - approximately a mile and a half.
The Wansfell ridge from further up the lane. Over a stile and follow the right angle of the wall all the way to the cairned summit of Wansfell, on the right hand side of the wall.
Red Screes, Kirkstone Pass and Caudale Moor from the summit of Wansfell. Then it's a south-westerly traverse over grassy hummocks to Wansfell Pike.