Start point: Wanthwaite (NY 315 232)
Wanthwaite – Threlkeld Knotts (535) – Wanthwaite
Distance: 2.2 miles Total Ascent: 365 metres Time Taken: 1 hour
Weather: Dull. 14ºC.
It has been wall to wall sunshine all week, with lovely blue skies and brilliant days to be out walking – not for me though, unfortunately; I did manage to find a spare couple of hours today for a walk up to Threlkeld Knotts bit it’s a bit of a shame the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Great to be out once again though even if the views weren’t stunning today – this is an area on the end of the Helvellyn ridge which offers really good views of Skiddaw and Blencathra and is famous for its granite mines and quarries.