Start Point: High Nibthwaite (SD 294 897)
Brock Barrow from High Nibthwaite
Distance: 1.5 miles Total Ascent: 175 metres Time Taken: 40 minutes Start Time: 10:15
Weather: Heavy snow showers, 1°C
Everywhere I went this morning there were heavy snow showers with it settling on the roads in many places. I ended up deciding on a short walk to somewhere that was not too high given the wind strength down at valley level and ended up getting a pleasant surprise with the way the weather turned out. Given the earlier conditions I don’t think I could have asked for any more.

An open invitation to StridingEdge fans - what are you doing at Easter? It would be great to see you at the launch of the latest Wainwright book update.

I didn't hold out much hope for this short walk, this is what it was like most of the morning and it continued as I set off towards Brock Barrow.