Start point: Brackenclose (NY 182 074)
Brackenclose – Brown Tongue – Scafell Pike – Lingmell Col – Lingmell – Brackenclose
Distance: 9.6 km Total Ascent: 979 metres Time Taken: 4 hours Start Time: 07:00
Weather: Beautiful and clear. 2°C
This is probably the only time of year to get on Scafell Pike without anyone around so I set off early to catch the sunrise. I didn’t quite make it this time but was near enough. The wind really picked up at the Lingmell Col and of course it was cold and biting. I had a chat to the ‘Wasdale Womble’ on the way up (she was already on the way down!) and there was a couple of guys on the summit but apart from that I saw no-one all morning. I sheltered on Lingmell for a coffee before making the steep descent down the nose back to Wasdale. What a great morning!

Route Map

The view to the north, Derwent Water, Skiddaw and Blencathra all visible. Note that all the snow has gone on Blencathra now (last week's walk!). The weather looks quite calm in the photos but it really was blowing a gale up there and it was freezing cold.
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