Start point: Beckside (SD 153 847)
Beckside – White Hall Knott – White Combe (OF) – Whitecombe Moss – Stoupdale Head (OF) – Black Combe (OF) –South Top of Black Combe – Whicham Mill – Beckside
Distance: 6.25 miles Total Ascent: 657 metres Time Taken: 2hours 20 minutes
Weather: Sunny and bright.
Black Combe lies in the extreme south-west of the Lake District and its remoteness from other fells means that it is rarely visited and its detachment from the main fells means that it is easily identifiable from a distance.
The sun shone more than could have been expected this morning with the thick covering of cloud over the top of Black Combe lifting by the time I reached the summit. Black Combe is described in Wainwright’s Black Combe chapter in his book ‘The Outlying Fells of Lakeland’, page 176.