Start point: Orthwaite Road, near Bassenthwaite (NY 237 311)
Bassenthwaite – Watches (300) – The Edge – Ullock Pike (301) – Longside Edge – Long Side (302) – Carl Side (303) –Skiddaw (304-308) – Broad End (309) – Bakestall (310) – Cockup (311)– Bassenthwaite
Distance: 7.9 miles Total Ascent: 1229 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 40 minutes
Weather: Cold, many snow showers with blizzard conditions on Skiddaw.
Today’s walk is to Skiddaw via The Edge and Longside Edge – a really great route of ascent. The weather worsened throughout the walk and crampons were required for the steep ascent to Skiddaw. Once on the top, the blizzard whipped up and there was a complete white-out.