Start point: Kentmere (NY 456 041)
Kentmere – Garburn Pass – Yoke – Ill Bell – Froswick – Thornthwaite Beacon – Mardale Ill Bell – Nan Bield Pass – Harter Fell – Kentmere Pike –Shipman Knotts – Kentmere
Distance: 12 miles Total Ascent: 1100 metres Time Taken: 4 hours 30 minutes
Weather: Sunny and clear with high cloud. 3°C.
Another fine and sunny day! It was even colder than ever in the valley this morning as temperatures struggled to get above zero – once up onto the fells however, it was really quite warm again in the sun. Only Casper for company today; Angus had a day off for a good sleep after the previous few days excursions!