New Dungeon Ghyll – Stickle Tarn – North Rake – Pavey Ark – Thunacar Knott – Harrison Stickle – Dungeon Ghyll – New Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 5.4 miles Total Ascent: 725 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 50 minutes Start Time: 10:25
Winter has certainly hit with a vengeance – what a morning. In Great Langdale the roads were treacherous and icy with the temperature down at -5C. The sky was blue and there were no clouds, just snow and lots of it. It turned out to be quite strenuous at times with knee deep snow on much of the route. I carried crampons and ice axe but wore micro-spikes throughout and didn’t resort to full crampons. This was a fantastic winter day on the fells and ones like this don’t come along very often, that’s for sure.

Looking to Lingmoor Fell from the top of the waterfalls on Stickle Ghyll. Time for a breather here as it was boiling hot on this section of the walk, with the full sun reflected on the snow and not a breath of wind to cool me.

The view after crossing the Ghyll - I opted to cross lower down than usual as it is easier, although the climb was not necessarily so as the snow was knee deep for much of it.

As soon as we reached Stickle Tarn the wind picked up and of course it was biting and icy. Time to layer up before continuing, this photo is Harrison Stickle looking sugar coated.

Pavey Ark with Jacks Rake running Bottonm right to top left of the craggy face. I didn't fancy that today, conditions were hard enough as it was.

The snow in the North Rake was knee deep and it made for tough going. Can you spot 2 people halfway up in this photo? They give it some scale.