Start point: The Old Dungeon Ghyll car park (NY 286 062)
Old Dungeon Ghyll – Rossett Gill – Rossett Pike – Angle Tarn – Esk Hause – Esk Pike – Ore Gap – Bowfell – Three Tarns – The Band – Old Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 9.2 miles Total Ascent: 986 metres Time Taken: 6 hours Start Time: 09:00
Weather: Cool and clear. 2°C
All I can say about today is wow! What a fantastic day to be out on the fells, the sunshine made it really warm so I was in shirt sleeves for most of the walk and there was snow – lots of snow – everywhere. The views were stunning, this really was day to remember and ones like this are all too few and far between.

...and on and on. The going was quite arduous at times, the path was lost under knee deep snow so it was a best estimate only for the route.

Mickleden from the Mickleden cairn. Dougal found a Philips screwdriver atop a rock here...if anyone's lost one, let me know (and more to the point, why?)!