Start point: New Dungeon Ghyll Car Park (NY 295 064)
New Dungeon Ghyll – Stickle Tarn – Harrison Stickle – Pavey Ark – Thunacar Knott – Pike O’Stickle – Loft Crag – Thorn Crag – Pike How – New Dungeon Ghyll
Distance: 5 miles Total Ascent: 791 metres Time Taken: 3 hours 30 minutes Start Time: 09:00
Weather: Lots of wintry showers. 5°C
The weather took a turn for the worse as I climbed alongside Stickle Ghyll this morning and became really wintry on the climb to Harrison Stickle. Backed by a strong wind is was a proper winter’s day with the weather changing minute by minute. There were fleeting clear spells which were magical, but I really enjoyed every step of today’s walk – weather and all.
Lingmoor Fell and there is a bit of weather around now - sleety rain at this height but it soon turned to hail, then snow.
A brief interlude between the showers to look down on Stickle Tarn with distant Fairfield in view. Things soon changed however...
Pike o' Stickle from the path to Pavey Ark. Beyond there is an eerie blue light over Crinkle Crags and Bowfell.
For a fleeting minute of two there was full sunshine as I made my way across to Pavey Ark, here looking towards Thunacar Knott...but look at that ominous sky beyond.
The view from the top of Pavey ark into Langdale, Windermere up to the left and Lingmoor Fell central.